

Just booked a double stand 6/7 for Malvern. Exhibited will be the World launch of the all new MX5 Mk3 based Dutton Phæton 5. Also exhibited will be Tim's personal transport a Phæton Series 4 built mid 1980's from a 1970 Ford 1300 GT Escort donor (photo LDY 400J on Phæton page). This is an important Dutton. The 6000th built, registered as a Historic Dutton with chassis number P6000 - so at the show at Malvern a comparison can be made between 2 Phætons side by side yet separated by 40 years of uninterrupted vehicle production.

Malvern SHOW OFFER, order before end Monday June 02 (show open May 31 and June 01) for special price saving £ 1000.00 (inc vat) see order forms

We hope that this exciting news will motivate all the Dutton owners out there who have "almost" got their Dutton's running and make the effort to get them road legal. Bring them along to Malvern and visit us on the Stand. You have 3 months to go so no excuses!!!!

We are also breaking a complete undamaged Series 4 Phæton so if you need anything from a fuse box to a complete axle we can bring it up to the show for collection. All body parts and chassis have already been sold, give away prices to clear room for 5 production. Email us with your requirements. Delivery of another MX5 Mk3 2007 Sport (£725 plus auction fees), this one will be stripped down and a comprehensive strip/assembly full colour manual produced.


We seem to be collecting rather a lot of unwanted Mazda parts left over from building demo/customers cars so have now launched "MX5 Mk3 Spares" page on here to help clear stuff.

CURRENT PUBLICATION:- See Complete Kit Car magazine October for write-up on Dutton.

CURRENT PUBLICATION:-See TKC magazine Sept/Oct for 6 page write-up on what's happening at the factory including exclusive photos of the 5 during development.

Photos will be added as the project moves forward.


When we say built to last, we mean it.
Will your next project still be around in 2077?
1972 J.Tighe wondering if he made the right choice, standing outside our WW11 Nissen hut at RAF Tangmere.   2025, some 53 years later, still driving his B Type (if his son isn't borrowing it).

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