Dutton Cars Ltd
Dutton Wharf
Arun Shipyard
Rope Walk
West Sussex BN17 5DH

We can be contacted by email    factory@timdutton.com     


Please feel free to email to arrange a suitable visit date between Mondays to Fridays, 9 to 4, Tim is usually in the factory 9 to 1.

We operate on a Viewing by Appointment only basis allowing us to spend dedicated time with you in a no pressure, relaxed environment.
ALWAYS email us first before visiting the factory. Never just arrive.

BANK INFO, PLEASE CHOOSE CORRECT BANK! When transfering money please always email us to advise so we can act on your payment.

For transfering Pounds Sterling (£) from OUTSIDE the UK use our Barclays Bank:-
Dutton Cars Ltd
Account # 00043869
Sort code # 20-45-45
IBAN # GB28BARC20454500043869 (non American banks)
ABA routing # 026002574 (American banks)

For transfering Pounds Sterling (£) from WITHIN the UK use our Mettle Bank:-
Dutton Cars Ltd
Account # 71589687
Sort Code # 04-03-33


Factory located on A259. 60 miles south of London. From London take A23 or A24 south to coast then turn right onto A259, bypass Littlehampton town, over River Arun bridge, first left after bridge then turn right at T junction. Post code BN17 5DH

Click HERE for a map of our location.


London Heathrow (60 miles) get train from Victoria Station
London City (60 miles) get train from Victoria Station
London Gatwick (30 miles) get train from Gatwick Station
Both stations direct to Littlehampton or Via Brighton

Provincial airports: - Shoreham, Goodwood, Southampton.



You can almost see the factory from the railway station and is within easy walking distance. Turn right out of station, walk towards the Arun View Pub and cross over the river on the foot bridge, then turn left and we are 200yds on the left.


50° 47' -84N 00° 32'-33W. Tides +0015 Dover, ML2.8: Zone 0 (UT)

Temporary moorings available outside our factory, pass Hr Mr office. There is a Marina further along ½ mile on left for:- Diesel and petrol available daytime, showers, cafe, full facilities.


There are numerous hotels and B&B.

Recommended: -
Arun View Inn
Wharf Rd.
BN17 5DD.
Overlooks river and is within walking distance of town, station and factory.
To book, Tel 01903 722335 - web: https://www.thearunview.co.uk

Leeside Bed & Breakfast (opposite Factory)
Rope Walk, Littlehampton, West Sussex. BN17 5DE
To book, Tel 01903 723666 - web: https://www.leesidebandb.com

Or contact Littlehampton Tourist Office: 01903 732063

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Dutton is a registered Trade Mark